Konrad Adenauer
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The first postwar chancellor Konrad Adenauer campaigned under the slogan : " No Experiments . "
Charles de Gaulle held office until he was78 , Konrad Adenauer until he was87 .
A Review of the European Strategy Proposed by Konrad Adenauer
She hailed her predecessors , Konrad Adenauer and Helmut Kohl , for uniting Europe and Germany .
IN THE late1950s Chancellor Konrad Adenauer campaigned by reminding West German voters of their growing , but fragile , prosperity .
We all live under the same sky , but we don 't all have the same horizon . & Konrad Adenauer
In this thesis , the author wants to show the similarities and differences between Gaulle , Charles des and Konrad Adenauer s strategies and relevant political actions on European Integration .
How to end the division of Germany ? The former Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany , Konrad Adenauer , implemented the " Hallstein Doctrine ", tried to complete the reunification by the support of Western allies .
The story goes that on the evening of november6th , when Mollet got the call from Eden that he was aborting the invasion , he happened to be with the German chancellor , Konrad adenauer .